Pregnancy Massage

Perhaps no one is more deserving of a massage than someone who is pregnant.

With pregnancy there is a myriad of changes that occur in the body that can lead to physical discomfort and stress/anxiety.

Massage helps to decrease back/neck pain, decrease joint pain, increase circulation, improve oxygenation of soft tissues, decrease edema, reduce muscle tension, reduce leg cramping, reduce sciatica, reduce stress/anxiety and improve sleep. Pregnancy massage is considered for anyone prenatal (from the 2nd trimester on) and postnatal.

Note: Prenatal massage may be contraindicated for someone that is considered a high risk pregnancy or is having other complications. Postnatal massage may also be contraindicated if there was a complication during the birthing process or if a c-section was performed. In these instances your healthcare provider would be required to provide written clearance for you to receive a massage.

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